
Young Double Tap started her life as quite the average little girl, all hairbows and frilly dresses with aspirations to become the prettiest princess you ever did see. That is, up until she saw her very first zombie. Something about the undead freely roaming to munch on whomever they pleased just didn't sit quite right with her. So DT traded in her bows for bandanas, dresses for fatigues, and got to work retrofitting her house to withstand any oncoming zombie hoard. An arduous task, certainly, but one could never be too careful. The neighbors, being the busybodies that they were, told her it was a silly thing to do, militarizing a house just in case. But she knew better, only shaking her head and hoping that when the time came they'd go down easy. And the time did come, with undead hordes roaming the streets at large. Proactive thing that she was, DT refused to sit idly by and wait for them to come to her. Oh no, with semi-autos in hand, she took to a life on the road, mowing down anything that got in the way of her desired zombie-free world. The only problem was that as time passed? Those suckers got faster and the abandoned streets overfilled with abandoned vehicles just didn't have the space for her car. With a small stature, her legspan was only so long, but an idea came to her. Skates did the trick perfectly: she could be twice as fast with just as much agility. After some time, she found a band of uninfected, skating their hearts out and taking some bitches down. DT joined up, promising to help take out their own foes in exchange for helping to clear the land of the undead. 


Likes: Killing zombies, heavy weaponry, horror and cute in not-so-equal parts, b-movies, ball joint dolls, cryptozoology, dinosaurs, explosions, fantasy, gaming, loud music, sci-fi, sharks, and ufos. 

Dislikes: Hippies, kids, and undead hordes.


Poison of Choice: clove cigarettes 

Favorite Band/Artist: Rush, Mindless Self Indulgence, Dir En Grey

Guilty Pleasure: Asian Rap and Oshare Kei


Special Move:

Your Theme Song: "Zombies Ate Her Brain," The Creepshow

Injuries Sustained: The usual bumps and bruises, a nasty case of rink rash, and the occasional false-positive undead infection.

Derby Wife: #10/6 Mad Malice

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