...Out of the rubble N ashes arose Ember Reign. Left with nothing but a broken heart, a torn meniscus, and a pair of beat down Riedells, Ember walked the earth with no purpose. Upon hearing the faint whispers and groans coming from a nearby city she mustered her strength and tried one more time to build a derby empire. To her surprise, these women were strong.... heart-strong. The Belles N Bombshells saved her passion and gave her a purpose. With the souls of champions, and hearts of lions, they skate....United.  


Likes: Gore/Horror Movies, Metal,
D N' B, Body Modification

Dislikes: Disrespect, People who can't think for themselves

Heroes: #44 Sally Slaughter, Dixie Thrash, ATL Roller Derby, TXRD Roller Derby

Poison of Choice: Captain

Favorite Bands/Artists: BTBAM

Guilty Pleasure: Bloodlusting


Special Move: The Riddler

Your Theme Song: "Depressionista," Every Time I Die

Injuries Sustained: Torn Meniscus, K.O'ed 2X, Broken Heart

Derby Wife: Mary Helley

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