
This New Orleans, Louisiana native was kicked out of her hometown by that bitch Katrina and has been seeking vengeance ever since. After being forced to live in the Gump she has been searching for something that would ease her pain in this hell hole she calls life. She tried everything. Beauty contests were a no-go because the judges never did like her choice for the talent competition- beating up the other contestants to demonstrate how superior she truly was. Quilting was too tame, and gator wrestling, while an excellent stress reliever, wasn't much of an option, since the gators around this town were nothing compared to the monsters from the Mississippi. It wasn't until later that she found relief when she won a pair of skates in a skate race by knocking the competition to the floor with a vicious hip check. Skating suddenly gave her back what Katrina had taken away- that unique blend of sexy voodoo mojo that was ONLY Vixen. With wheels on her feet she could take over the rink, dismembering girls one by one. Don't be fooled by her voluptuous shape and unforgettable beauty, she'll make your bones into gris-gris in a heartbeat. The only thing she truly loves is her Belles N Bombshells and she will crush you if you try to cream them. 


Likes: skating.duh. nerds and squares cuz I am one, all things by Judd
Apatow, Sweeney Todd, hanging with family and friends. Just being in the company of good people. Sleep and hot baths.

Dislikes: dumbasses, blisters, people
who have no respect for others,
not being able to skate, and teenagers... they
re hormonal jerks and them bitches are evil.well some of them

Heroes: My AMAZING parents, then there's Ember Reign and Mary Helley the sweetest people one can ever meet Thanx for everything!!!!!  They’ve created a monster on wheels!

Poison of Choice: Sprite on the rocks

Favorite Bands/Artists: 311, Incubus, Maxwell, Day26, Etta James, Thursday, pretty much anything that’s in my CD book and my phone, it varies.

Guilty Pleasure: cheesy romantic comedies, and movies about best friends


Special Move: anything that involves your ass hitting the groundSPLAT!!!!!!!!!

Your Theme Song: "Boom Boom Pow," Black Eyed Peas

Injuries Sustained:
the two meat pies on my chest that are called boobs -- non stop black eyes

Derby Wife:
My darling sweet Midnight Roller


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